Egoé move for the first time at Designblok!

The twenty-first Designblok will spin into the future. It is a great honour for us to become one of the shades of this futuristic image. As the name noticeably implies, the goal of Egoé move is, in any case, movement. Moving forward, towards a better future, not only quickly on downhill skis, but at the same time deliberately, meaningfully and finally sustainably.
This year, Designblok will be asking the rhetorical question of whether the design can help improve our future. We are undoubtedly convinced that yes, and we believe that its role is and will continue to be essential. Therefore, we feel great satisfaction that this year we can be a part of this famous design show. We are preparing a design, which will reveal to visitors the youngest brand of our family, Egoé move, with a focus mainly on equipment related to winter and winter sports. At the same time, will allow insight into the concept of our studio Designcité+, the ideological birthplace of many products that literally travel across the whole globe directly from complex 519, Bílovice.
Upon entering our display winter begins. Directly on the walls are adhering ski racks, strikingly reminiscent of deer antlers. You will be torn away from your torpidity, however, by a disturbing image -- of which the most pride comes from the sketch of eight-point antlers over human bodies. Sketches and studies of human acts are the cornerstone of the abilities of most experienced designers. They symbolise the work and long process in which we learn to study the proportions of the human body and its associated aesthetics. Similar sketches are therefore preceded by many years of products, which are now born in the minds of the members of Designcité+. Cartoonist Radek Petříček with his relaxed wrist, will draw authentic drawings on the walls defining the design of Egoé on the spot. It's happening. It is a combination of the latest products and once studied human body studies. The combination, which at the same time points to the important ideas of Designcité+, for example, man as a part of nature, man in nature.
You'll notice other ski racks, this time free standing. The Cabra collection is intended for ski-resorts and public spaces. The creator of the concept, who has the working name "Horned Goat", is Tomáš Růžička, with other contemporary stands brought about by Daniel Golík, among other wall rack designers. The wooden beams, which mesh into the environment, are complemented with rubber moulds, on which we place our skis. The stand is on steel legs which can be firmly anchored into the ground. And it would be pointless to have a stand lay fallow for most of the season, therefore it can be adjusted so that bicycles can be stored in it during cycling season.
You're watching all of this through the ski forest. Their specific visual simplicity connects them with other Egoé products. Daniel Golík created modular "Hexagons" for the exhibition, in which the skis will be placed when you want to relax while skiing. These hexagons almost invisibly obscure only the feet, which make the skis easy to view from all sides. You can also explore the base which visually complement the individual top-sheets. We want skis to have the most attention at the exhibition. Therefore, they are exhibited as a forest, and in the background, deer are captured with human bodies.
The design process is important to us. The co-founder of Mmcité, who is also the soul of Designcité+, Radek Hegmon, says that designing hurts. But we love the whole process anyway. We captured it all in a seven-page catalogue, which you can find in the exhibition library. We want you to be able to have a sneak peek through your hands.
Behind each product stand people, their vision and work. This fact reminds us of a black panel, which like subtitles of a film mention the names of those who make dreams and ideas become reality.
So, this was our forest. How did you like it?
Time and place
Stand P42, P43
Superstudio, Průmyslový palác, Výstaviště 67, Praha 7
Thu 17.10. – Mon 21.10.
10:00 – 21:00